September 14, 2018 2 min read

By Stephanie Parker

I learned something today as I was reading my Bible. Peace is more of an action, a choice, than it is a state of being. Jesus was called the Prince of Peace (Isaiah 9:6), BUT the peace Jesus brought came by way of his own death on the cross. So wouldn't it make sense that in order for us to experience peace, we too must choose to endure a sort of death of ourselves to achieve it? When peace is referred to in these verses below, it's clearly a choice, an action. It's something to be pursued and sought out. You don't just wake up one day and your anxiety and fear are gone. Peace is a choice.

"Turn from evil and do good. Seek peace and pursue it." -Psalm 34:14

"Make every effort to live in peace" -Hebrews 12:14

"A future awaits those who seek peace" -Psalm 37:37

So how do you "seek peace" when your mind is filled with anxiety or fear or doubt? You choose to crucify your doubts and fears on the cross. You die to yourself and release the death grip you have on your circumstances and your thoughts and actively choose to grip tightly to the Prince of Peace. When you choose to set your mind on Jesus when worry creeps in, peace will win. But it's a choice.

"He will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast because they trust in you."- Isaiah 26:3

Choose peace today....choose Him.

______________________________________________________________________ Stephanie Parker has three main loves: God, her husband, Brett and her kids!  When Stephanie created the Zipadee-Zip in an effort to solve her daughter, Charlotte's, sleep issues, she never imagined that it would become a business.  She is incredibly grateful to God for how has grown and how it has enabled other families to get the restful sleep they need.   Stephanie's husband, Brett Parker assumed the role of CEO which has allowed Stephanie to focus on what she loves which is the creative side of the company, like product and print development.  After the Zipadee-Zip was featured on Shark Tank, Stephanie went on to create the book Shepherd's Treasure. In her free time, Stephanie loves to spend time with her family and friends.  Her hobbies include acting, singing, painting, learning and speaking foreign languages and going on adventures with her family!  You will find her all summer waterskiing, fishing and laughing with her family on the weekends.

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